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Image by Emily Morter


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question we haven't addressed below?
Contact us and we'll do our best to help.

Are donations tax-deductible? 

They sure are! All donations more than $2.00 are tax deductible.

Will I get a receipt for my donations?

We use PayPal to collect donations. PayPal will issue you a receipt or for a tax deductible receipt please email

How will my donation be used?

Donation's provide funding for:-

  • Medical equipment used to conduct health checks

  • Support resources developed and shared during Big Rides into outback Australia

  • Organising our Big Rides into rural and remote communities 

  • Administering the day-to-day functions of the charity

How is PoB run?

PoB has a governing committee elected by members each year.  We are a democratic organisation apart from when we're not.  We have a zero-tolerance policy for disrespect or abuse of anyone, members or otherwise.  We communicate as colleagues and with mutual respect.

Do you have branches in every state? 

We have members in almost every state and can happily put you in touch with one of our State-based representatives.

Can I become a Member if I am not a mental health professional?

Well that all depends on how you can contribute to the cause in a material way such as ride organisation, public relations, administrative, legal or financial support. Such applications are, as always, subject to the PoB Committee approving the application.

Can someone in my family join me on a PoB ride?

Guests and family members are welcome to attend the social rides and encouraged to do so.  For the bigger rides that last a week or more bringing a family member as a pillion is welcome too.  Non-Psychs and Non-Members can be accommodated on the rides as long as they contribute something to the project and as long as they don't end up outnumbering the Psychs!  Membership to PoB is generally limited to tertiary-qualified mental health professionals but a substantial minority of members are not clinicians.  They are, however, people who have established a necessary role within the organisation.

Do I need to be a PoB Member to go on a ride?

If you a mental health professional you are eligible for PoB membership. While you don't need to be a Member to go on a social ride we do prefer it.

Can I participate on rides if I don't ride a motorcycle? 

We are a motor-cycling focused membership, but we welcome non-motorcyclists that fit our membership criteria and who can help with anything from conducting health checks through to assisting with professional development or driving the back-up vehicle. Let us know how you think you can help?

Is it mandatory to participate in all the rides?

No, PoB is much more relaxed than that!  Ride when you want to and don't ride when you don't.

What happens on a PoB ride?

We ride.  We see a lot and talk to a lot of people.  We have a great shared experience.  Our activities on rides involve:


(1) Awareness-raising. We speak to the local newspaper and radio station wherever we go and try to engage with local media in spreading the message.


(2) Presentations about mental health.  We have so much accumulated experience on these rides that we can always find someone to speak about whatever topic local communities find relevant.  We've presented at schools, RSL's, workplaces, youth and sports clubs, public meetings, Rotary meetings etc.


(3) Free Health Checks that try to detect the four silent killers of people in the bush: high blood pressure, diabetes, alcohol and depression.


(4) On most of our rides we run out own half-day conference so we can share our professional experiences with colleagues


(5) Fun.  Quite a few of our rides are just for fun and to catch up with old friends.

What activities does PoB offer its members?

Each state organises various weekend social rides in addition to the one or two "big rides" PoB do each year. Social rides aim to provide collegial fun and a great ride with opportunity for networking and professional mentoring. The Big Rides are conducted in service to the communities that are visited where Psychs offer their professional expertise or just lend a hand to making the community engagements to seamlessly.

What work do members do on rides?

Big Rides and other specific community engagement events require people to step into a variety of roles ranging from ride organisation, ride logistics and on the road support and coordination, scouting out suitable accommodation and meal venues, sending communications to all members, setting up, conducting and packing up health check events (admin and clinical), delivering education, media events, engagement with local health and mental health professionals and other partner organisations.

How often does PoB organise rides to rural and remote Australia?

PoB conducts one or two 10 day events each year, except for 2021, where there is an opportunity to circumnavigate Australia.

Does PoB organise any social activities or rides?

Once someone becomes a member, they will receive emails about events and will also be asked to join the state-based Whatsapp group to receive ongoing information and updates.

Does it matter what sort of motorcycle I ride?

No, as long as it's a safe, registered, insured vehicle and you're a safe, licensed rider.  Psychs must ensure that their bikes are recently serviced with good tyres before they set out on any long rides.  Psychs who ride in an unsafe manner can expect to have that brought to their attention by other riders. Some Psychs are travelled on 250 c.c. bikes but it would be unwise to try to do a long ride on a bike smaller than that.

Does PoB have insurance cover?

Psychs on Bikes, Incorporated has arranged insurance through its insurance broker, Aon Risk Services (Parramatta Branch). The Summary below is abbreviated and does not include the full terms and conditions of the insurance program. Do not make assumptions about the scope of the cover, or conclude that insurance applies to any particular circumstance without obtaining written advice from the insurer or the broker.


In summary insurance includes General & Products Liability Insurance ($20,000,000) and Personal Accident Insurance covering volunteers/ Members carrying out activities on behalf of and at direction of The Insured including direct travel to & from activity.


All participants in Psychs on Bikes, Inc activities that involve riding motorcycles or operating other vehicles, are required to personally insure their vehicles including for third party risk.


If you, on behalf of Psychs on Bikes (or any part of Psychs on Bikes) propose to undertake new and/or innovative activities or projects, please advise the Secretary so that we can make a determination as to the risks that arise from the activity or project, and also decide if we need to advise our broker to obtain coverage or tell insurers of the project or activity as a material change in risk.


If you have any enquiries regarding the cover, direct these to the Secretary of Psychs on Bikes, Inc.

Do you need professional indemnity insurance to do "clinical" work with PoB?

PoB's organisation insurance covers professional indemnity. Professionals who are no longer registered with AHPRA are still able to participate in clinical activities provided they inform each participant that they were previously registered with AHPRA but are no longer registered due to ... retirement for example ...(no de-registered professionals may participate in PoB professional activities).

Psychs on Bikes

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